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  • AIKU


    Brand: MDF ITALIA


    AÏKU comes from the Japanese word “haiku” (俳句), and it means a short poem generally composed of three verses. Wonderful poems that in a few words express remarkable meanings; a simple poem, with no lexical frills and conjunctions, taking its strength from suggestions. Due to its incredible shortness, it requires a considerable synthesis of thought and image.

    The meaning and the sound of this word reveal the project’s concept, to reconcile the paradoxes of uses and sensitiveness. AÏKU can be radical, but at the same time is a refined architecture designed for domestic environments, as well as offices and public spaces.


    Finishing: Nikel chrome base cushion in fabric parigi 004


    Size: W57.6XD55XH78cm


    Price: 90,000 Baht

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